“While travelling many years ago, I met a doctor on the island of Cyprus who told me how his grandfather had cured hundreds of people with infusions of olive leaves and what their extraordinary properties were. I was so intrigued by the story that as soon as I returned home, I had the infusion scientifically tested at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Trieste.
The result was surprising. Chemical-physical analyses showed that the infusion contained all the extraordinary active ingredients contained in the leaves of the olive tree. From there to starting the production of a product line was a short step. I called it OLife®.
Making OLife® accessible to the greatest number of people by distributing wellness, also by offering the possibility to significantly improve one's social status was the next step and the complete realisation of my dream. Together with my son Luigi I founded EVERGREEN LIFE Products, choosing Network Marketing as distribution channel.”
Livio Pesle
Founder and President
Evergreen Life Products S.r.l.